Dear students,
I am honored to be your Cybersecurity instructor this year. I hope you've had a great summer despite all the craziness around us. I remember when I was a kid many moons ago, back to school was one of the most exciting things for me. I couldn't wait to meet my bodies and my beloved teachers. I was also very excited to meet my new teachers and make new friends. I am sure it's been the same for you, but this year is special. You may feel things differently - actually, it's okay if you feel that way and you're not alone. How about your parents? As a father of two teenagers, I share their apprehension and concerns.
You may have dozens of questions spinning right now in your head, so do I. We're all frustrated and angry because sadly no one can actually provide the answers. However, despite all the circumstances, I firmly believe that 2020-2021 can be a wonderful and memorable school year. It's up to all of us to make it happen. It requires us to work together as a community to protect and support each other. There'll be changes (lots of changes): wearing your mask at all times, keeping social distance, having less interactions with your friends and so on. So, to repeat after Jimmy Dean "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination". Yes, this is the perfect time to adjust our sails to keep moving despite all the turbulence around us. Either in person or through distance learning, your senior year can still be an enjoyable experience if you're willing to adjust your attitude toward these changes. As Maya Angelou nicely put it "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." We can't change the course of COVID-19 at least for now, but we're determined to remain positive, optimistic, and focus on the best gift of your life: access to top quality education at PCTA, your leading career and technical school across the region. I look forward to meeting you all and I am sure that you cannot wait likewise to reconnect with the PCTA community.
Finally, here's this week inspirational quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward”.
What is the message of this quote? What are the most important ideas and values embedded in the quote? Is there something you can learn from this quote about how you should live your life?
Share your thoughts and opinions with us by posting them in the comments section.
Go Class of 2021!

The message this quote is conveying is to never give up and always be persistent.
I love the way how this message is sent because it helps me understand that you and i will have good connection and I feel like you can support everyone.
With this quote King means that no matter what comes at you, you have to keep pushing against everything. Something to learn from this quote is to be keep being persistent in life.
Reading that message made me feel like you will support all of us and its way of telling us not to give up.
i also like how the message is sent i think it helps all of us understand everything bettet
That is correct Jake
The message of this quote is to not give up no matter how hard it gets. Important ideas embedded into the quote are the able to adapt and having a can do mindset. What I took away from the quote is I shouldn't give up.
This quote is attempting to inspire us to continue on going no matter what.
this quote is trying to persuade us to keep on trying to reach our goal
This quote is telling us to never gibe up because there is always a wake to make things happen.
After reading that message it is trying to say that no matter how hard down you are never give up and go for what you desire
The quote is attempting to convince the reader to never give up.
This quote is trying to tell us to never give up no matter what life brings you.
after reading that quote what i got from it was to always persevere and never give up
this quote is telling us to never give up and always do your best
This quote is telling us to never give up and to always keep pushing, use whatever you have to your advantage
This quote tells us that there will be obstacles on our way to our goals but we should never give up and to always keep moving forward.
This quote is telling us to never give up because there is always a way to succeed
its saying keep moving forward, do good!
This quote is telling us to move forward and never give up.
wow inspiring we should all think of never giving up and keep moving on.
mr thats_wet is me by the way
really touched the soul.
the quote is telling us to keep pushing and never give up.
Thank you for refreshing my mind. I learned a lesson by reading your post.
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